Wednesday, September 28, 2011

World Vegetarian Day on 01 October 2011.

Are you ready to enjoy the fruits of the earth on Saturday, World Vegetarian Day? For some of us this is an easy decision...... but for others, a greater challenge. What could be more satisfying than fresh, juicy fruit, crisp green salads and baked vegetables or even crisp, crunchy, stir fried vegetables?Also remember to be kind to nature and collect all vegetable peelings and pips for your compost heap and of coarse to remember to recycle as much as, plastic, paper and your cans.

Create secret vegetable parcels to delight and inspire your family and guests for your Braai on Saturday.
Baked potatoes will be a favourite with your guests when served with creative, or even the most simple of fillings. There is still nothing to beat cottage cheese with fresh herbs from your garden...... I can just smell the chopped parsley and chives!
Pasta is another great vehicle for vegetarian sauces..... Raid your fridge, your veggie patch and your pantry and create a sauce for your pasta. Use fresh herbs, chillies, garlic and plenty of freshly cracked pepper to flavour your sauce.
Be creative and start the stir fry for your sauce with some apples. You will be surprised at the extra touch of sweetness added to your sauce. The fruit cooks through quickly, and will also help bulk up the sauce.
Oven roasted vegetables are next best to vegetables baked in foil over the fire. Be creative here as well and combine fruit with your vegetables for a hint of sweetness and extra texture. Do not forget the herbs, garlic, fresh chillies, rock salt and cracked pepper.
While you have the oven on, you might as well also prepare a tray of roasted butternut, onions and potatoes for a butternut soup....... just perfect for World Vegetarian Day.

Remember to stay close to nature....set up a picnic in the garden, or simply take the inside out for the day and enjoy all your meals together with nature.
Your beloved 4 legged children will be very happy to have you share time with them in their garden....... love your garden, the sunset, your pets, and above all the nutritional vegetarian meals you have created for World Vegetarian Day.

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